THE CABINETS ON THIS PAGE ARE 1/12 SCALE PIECES, usually about 8" tall. The furniture kits shown on this page are the ones to use in any of these cabinets.
If you have one of those exquisite Bepaq baby houses, and have been at a loss as to how to finish it, here is your answer. The baby house does NOT use 144th scale furniture., which is way too small. And you probably want something finer than the rather massive cast metal pieces to finish such a lovely piece of furmiture. I have designed an entire collection of baby house furnishings which I designed myself to a scale that I felt was most pleasing when used in the baby house. It turned out to be 1/87 scale. I think you will agree that the pieces are just delightful, and fill the rooms attractively without massive ceiling space or overcrowding, either one.
These kits are precision laser cut from 1/32" basswood. They can be stained or painted as desired. WHile they are small, (tweezers highly recommended) they are very simple in construction and easy to assemble.
These pieces are sold by room sets only, Sorry, no individual pieces are avaiilable.