Christmas Roombox Kit

  • Model: OC-DRC

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Introducing the newest Online Class by Cynthia and Larrell Howe.
Instead of putting your miniatures away at holiday time, why not create a roombox that celebrates the season Our new project is just the perfect size to display for the holidays and then store away easily the rest of the year, that is, if you can bear to put it away!
The outer box measures 14 high, 17 wide and is only 9 deep,but this tiny room is loaded with beautiful details!
The center piece of the room is this beautiful carved mahogany fireplace with over-mantle by Bespaq. We have built a lovely fire, which has died down to just glowing coals, which lend a wonderful warm glow to the room. On the mantle are a wonderful Della Robbia garland, and two lit candlesticks.
The most beautiful piece in any Christmas setting is the tree, and ours is no exception.The tree is lit with 36 tiny white lights and profusely decorated with lovely ribbon bows, gold ribbon swags and an abundance of beautiful handsculpted fruits. A lovely array of beautifully wrapped packages are arranged beneath the tree. A beautiful wing chair and matching ottoman sit in the corner, next to the fireplace. What a cozy spot!
The chair and ottoman will be re?upholstered in class using a gorgeous silk designer upholstery fabric. Notice the lovely Della Robbia wreath on the wall above the chair
IMPORTANT NOTE: I find it difficult to photograph roomboxes. I have to light them so strongly so that the items in the back of the room are in focus, that many times the colors are distorted. Additionally, monitors vary a great deal. The fabric on the chair and cornice box is not as strong as it appear in the photos. It is a lovely rosey burgundy, with no purple cast to it, with tiny gold thread cross hatch pattern. The wallpaper is a coordinate to the fabric and is a lovely soft gold color with slightly metallic pattern.
A delightful snow?covered landscape is viewed from the two windows. Dupoini silk draperies hang at each window, topped with a lovely cornice box made from the same beautiful fabric as the chair.
The floor is an exquisite hand laid cherry hardwood floor, finished in a rich dark cherry stain that compliments the fireplace beautifully. The entire room is housed in a beautiful cherry outer box upon which you may add the frame of
your choice to cover the front.
In this class, you will learn a wide variety of techniques. You will assemble the tree from scratch, and then learn to sculpt, paint and sugar each of the 9 different types of fruit used in the decorations. You will also wrap all of the
package.You will line the firebox of the fireplace and then embellish a glowing embers light component to look like a real fire. You will assemble and cover the cornice boxes and make the silk draperies. You will wallpaper, add baseboard and crown and window moldings. You will lay and finish the cherry wood floor, assemble the inner box and apply wallcovering.
And you will learn how to take a ready made wing chair and ottoman and unassembled, re?upholster and reassemble,allowing you to customize furniture for any of your room settings. The lighting has been well thought out and planned for you, so that your part is as easy as bending wires around a few screws. When you do, you will have a tree with 36 lights, two lit candle sticks, a glowing fireplace, a live ceiling canopy to add your own chandelier to, and two flourette fixtures on the outer back of the box which light up your outside scene. All this, and not a cord in sight!
Youve been good all year.. why not treat yourself to a Della Robbia Christmas

Kit includes all materials, full online tutorial and three live online chat sessions. Kits will ship by November 1. Students will need to provide basic tools, wood stain, deft spray, glues, and have access to an oven to cure the fimo fruits. Please note that the chandelier is NOT included. Transformer is not included, but is available at a discounted price for those students who need to purchase one. I do not include them automatically in my kits any more as many overseas students are not able to use our transformers. If you wish to purchase the transformer, please use the additional menu provided to order one.

This class is extremely limited. I purchased all remaining fireplaces that Bespaq had in stock. When they are gone, they are gone! Register soon to guarantee your place in class.